THE state's new plastic bag ban will increase the risk of cross-contamination and check-out rage, the Australian Retailers Association says.
Executive director Richard Evans says banning single-use plastic bags has introduced hygiene concerns and safety issues for supermarket staff.
"Consumers will be forced to bring their own bags to carry grocery items from supermarkets and other retail outlets, increasing the risk of infection from cross-contamination," he says.
"Bags that may have been used to carry raw chicken one day, may very well be the same bag carrying fresh fruit the next day.
"This is a potentially major health concern and the SA Government must take on the responsibility of educating consumers about how to avoid possible risks of infection."
Mr Evans says frontline retail staff are forced to bear the brunt of consumer frustration about the ban.
"There have already been reports of frustration and abuse at the checkouts and registers, highlighting occupational health and safety concerns for retail staff who are often young and inexperienced," he says.
Most AdelaideNow readers are unhappy about the bag ban, contradicting retailers' reports that shoppers embraced the statewide ban introduced yesterday.,,25423800-5006301,00.html
Cerewet oooo manusia kat sini. Macam kisah Bani Israel dan Nabi Musa a.s. (ye ke...). Banyak komplen.
Yang bagus pasal gomen ni, sabar... kalau rakyat komplen, slow-slow tanya. Kalau betul, ikut. Kalau tak, kasi educate.
Aku ingat kalau buat kat Malaysia, samada terus buat atau pun rakyat buat tak tau je (hahaha...). Takde komplen-komplen cenggini. You do it or you do not!
Cuma satu benda je kat Malaysia yang sibuk komplen... Ko tak reti memerintah, aku reti memerintah. Politik daaa... apa lagi? Mana ada masa nak komplen benda lain dah.

kalo kat m`sia konpem rkyt wat x reti..
itulah negaraku..
rakyat luar esp negara membangun memang kuat mempertahan kan human right..kalau dorang rasa tak buat hati even isu hak pengguna /alam sekitar mereka kuat suarakan.. memang berbeza ngan malaysia..aku rasa kalau buat kempen sapa pakai beg sendiri pastu dpt hadiah/cash mungkin laju jer kot :)
betul 2 abg ben, kalau isu2 camni rakyat kita memang buat endah x endah je, tapi kalo cte pasal politik, yang x taw pasal politik pown bole lantang bersuara...
oh malaysiaku...he3
Rakyat malaysia bukan tak mau komplen...tapi telah di ajar secara politiknya...jangan banyak komplen...bersyukur aja dgn apa yang ada...komplen banyak nanti ke dalam...
politik jugak tu...hehe..
aku kadang2 kalo beli barang cam keropok ke, air ke, aku tak mintak beg plastik, terus simpan dalam beg atau angkat gitu.. tapi reset aku mintak.
Rakyat Malaysia le yg kuat komplen...Kalau benda camgini buat kat Malaysia...tengok je laa camana...
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