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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bersih 3.0 satu perbandingan sekali imbas Amenoworld vs Jebatmustdie

Saya bandingkan penjelasan antara dua blog.

1. Amenoworld (LINK) - warna hijau
2. Jebat Must Die (LINK) - warna biru

1. Clean the electoral roll

Ya, so buatlah. Nak tunggu apa lagi? Sesiapa boleh bercakap ya saya setuju, ya saya akan buat, ya itu, ya neh tapi apa? Sudah dibuat? Belum kan? Jadi pergi buat. Baru cakap. Jika belum buat maka BERSIHKAN DAFTAR PENGUNDI akan kekal menjadi tuntutan BERSIH.

==> SPR dalam beberapa kali melalui sidang media, forum dan debat mengatakan ia memerlukan kelulusan parlimen untuk menguatkuasa beberapa pindaan baru. Ini ialah proses bolak balik = tarik tali untuk membersihkan daftar pemilih. Jika mereka bersungguh by now daftar pemilih sudah semestinya bersih, jika tidak pendedahan ini dan ini tidak akan wujud. Ia adalah pendedahan terbaru kami.
Bersih telah memperkenalkan beberapa idea kepada SPR bagaimana dia patut membersihkan daftar pemilihnya, BERSIH juga bersedia berkerjasama dengan SPR namun sehingga kini SPR tidak mengedahkan budi baik BERSIH. Dan segala idea dalam PSC, hanyalah bersikap satu idea dan tiada kewajipan bagi SPR untuk melaksanakan tuntutan PSC. Rujuk sini.
1.1 SPR dah bersihkan 42,000 nama dalam daftar pemilih der..

Ini satu pandangan yang salah. SPR tidak bersihkan mereka. JPN yang berikan list 42,000 nama yang meragukan kepada SPR. SPR tayangkan nama tue err di mana? Owh SPR cakap dia dah publish kepada umum errr sekali lagi di mana?

Dan bagaimana 42,000 orang neh akan aware? Bagaimana ahli keluarga mereka akan aware? Ya, tiada sesiapa akan aware sebab tak terdedah kepada info tersebut. Sepatutnya JPN dan SPR buat satu sistem semak online. Yakni pengundi2 yang dimaklumkan telah meninggaldunia akan terpapar dalam satu website peribadi SPR DAN JPN. Dari situ SPR akan sentiasa uptodate untuk mengemaskini daftar pemilihnya. Ia bukan satu sistem yang sukar dibangunkan. Malaysia ada ramai yang pakar tinggal nak dengan taknak je seme neh.

One of the major concerned of BERSIH is the existence of deceased persons in the list of Malaysian voters. Since people die everyday, it is impossible to update the list on real-time basis as it is required by law that the next of kin of the deceased person to personally contact the EC to notify of the death. The EC do not, and can not have the authority to automatically wipe out the names without a formal notification by the next of kin.

Imagine if the election is today. There will still be names of dead people in the list because there are people that just died yesterday.

EC’s own improvement initiative is to continuously, and expeditiously clean the electoral list immediately after being informed of any deaths.

Another point of contention is the existence of irregularities whereby there are people registered under different address or multiple persons registered under single address.

This had also been improved by the EC when changes to the Act was made in 2002. From thereon, your place of voting is determined by your address in the IC.

The irregularities existed because previously, political parties, through agents, can register their members without the members knowing it. Hence, your voting address will be determined by the person registering it for you.

Plus, in the period before 21st century, most places in Malaysia do not have individual address to a specific home. Most mail/letters that were sent to rural or semi rural areas were sent to one specific spot and collected by the people on daily basis. These spots were mostly, some ‘kedai kopi’ in the villages, post offices, house of the village head etc.

Most people at that time have ICs that indicate addresses which have only the name of the area they live in. This was way before postcodes were invented. By the way, postcodes were only introduced in the late 80s.

Due to this predicament, the problem of specific addresses in the ICs would spill over to the problems of voters’ address in the electoral roll.

However, this was rectified in 2002 whereby voting address will have to be the same with the address appearing in your IC. Voters can at anytime check their voting status and place to vote online with the EC at www.spr.gov.my and is encourage to report to them should there be any discrepancies.
Another problem is implementation of automatic voter registration system.

It actually means, once you reach 21, you are automatically be registered by the EC to vote.
In the highly rigid Singapore, it is MANDATORY to vote. Any citizens who did not vote will be penalised by the government.

Malaysia is different in a way she gives you the democratic right of NOT to vote. As an extension, she is giving you the right not to register as a voter as well. People have the right to vote or not to vote. And this is enshrined in our Constitution. You can actually sue the EC and demand why have you been automatically registered when the Constitution does not say so?

BERSIH’s demand seemed to take away this right. EC has the view that, even though voting is very important responsibility of a Malaysian, they must be given the right not to discharge it.
Thus, the EC do not agree with this point. However, they continuously implement awareness programs to ensure that people would know the importance of registering as a voter. They are aware that if the have to impose automatic registration, the Constitution must be amended first before they can actually implement it.

2. Reform postal ballot

Reformasikan undi pos bukan semata2 melibatkan rakyat luar negara, askar atau apa. Ia melibatkan beberapa aspek penting seperti ;

- banduan yang dipenjarakan. Seorang warganegara layak mengundi tanpa perlu peduli dia jahat atau baik. Kita taktahu siapa mereka dan bagaimana kisah hidup mereka dan kita tiada hak untuk merampas hak mereka sebagai warganegara yang sepatutnya berhak mengundi.

- Rakyat malaysia yang ada dua kerakyatan. Kita tidak boleh merampas hak mereka yang tinggal dan bekerja di luar negara kalau itu lebih baik buat mereka. Mereka juga rakyat malaysia dan mereka juga patut bersama2 diberikan hak untuk menentukan masa depan negara. Ahli keluarga mereka disini dan siapa boleh jamin bahawa mereka tidak akan pulang semula ke sini selama2nya. Jangan rampas hak mereka sebagai warganegara.

- Pengundian pos harus bebas tekanan dari pihak atasan. Tiada mana2 pihak yang sepatutnya mengeluarkan arahan hanya undi parti tertentu. Penjawat awam harus bebas diberikan hak untuk menentukan siapa yang mereka patut undi.
- Kegagalan SPR dalam memberikan akses penuh kepada pemerhati bebas. Kalau tidak macam mana nak pantau pengundian pos tue adalah adil seadil adilnya? Ini baru serba sedikit yang aku sudi nak tulis. Hakikatnya ada banyak lagi.

BERSIH has this idea that all Malaysian citizens should vote within the SAME DAY.

Due to the illogical manner and the improbability of this to happen, the EC have only to a certain extent, implement some of the changes to improve the postal ballot.

Police, military and other security forces which made up about 200,000 voters cannot vote on the same day with the rest of us due to the fact that they have to be on high alert during election day. If all military and police personnel go out to polling centres, then obviously there will be no proper security to guard our country at that time.

Imagine if all the policemen and the army queuing up for hours on election day. Who shall look after the streets and our borders?

That is why, these people will vote few days earlier than the rest of us. This is called postal voting because the voting process is done at their police or army posts. Recently, the EC had changed the name of postal voting to ‘advance voting’. The process is still the same where you queue up, show your identification, your name will be crossed out, you receive your ballot papers to tick the candidate you choose and the ballot paper will be then slipped into a transparent box. All this will be done under the watchful eye of political parties’ agents.

The votes will then be counted on the same day. No mailing of the votes involved. Perhaps that is why there was a misperception. Just because the process is called ‘postal vote’, people thought the votes will be mailed somewhere else which gave rise to the perception that it could be abused.

 3. Use of indelible ink

 Ya, dah ditunaikan. Tiada argument pasal tue sehingga terbukti SPR melakukan hal yang sebaliknya.

With regards to indelible ink, it is used among countries which have no IC, such as Africa and India. It is a very low-tech approach. It is as if everyone else is using Twitter or Google+ but BERSIH still wants you to use Friendster.

The countries in Africa or even India have not reached our level yet. We only have 12 million voters. Why should we turn our system backwards when we have reached this level of technological advancement? The reason there is a push for the use of indelible ink is due to fear of double-voting, but we have an adequate system to handle voter identification and it is nearly impossible for people to register twice.

Everyone has one IC number and one identification card. This is the ultimate control system that is used to register and identify the voters. Ever heard of anyone with two ICs? No you have not.

However, to ensure even more security and to improve on voters identification, the EC is seriously considering the biometric system. This is the thumbprint scan very similar to the ones you use in the airport when your passport is scanned.

Another big risk of the indelible ink is the potential abuse. What would stop anybody from going around in rural areas with the same indelible ink and tricks some unsuspecting old grandma into using that ink BEFORE polling day? Come voting day, she will not be allowed to vote by the officers at poll centre because her finger has already been marked. It is against the Constitution to disallowed a registered voter to vote and the grandma can sue the EC for turning her away.

Hence, biometric is the way of the future because let’s face it, everyone has thumbprints.

4. Minimum 21 days campaign period

Tuntutan kita 21 hari. Daripada 5 tahun, kita minta 21 hari untuk semua politician bergerak sampai ke akar umbi perjelaskan manifesto masing2, apa masalah kaw? 21 hari untuk rakyat kaji manisfesto berat sangat meh?

Longer campaign period is the norm in big countries with a lot of population such as Indonesia and Thailand. We simply cannot compare our country with others that have longer campaigning days. Look at how big the number of voters is in countries such as Indonesia or Thailand.

The EC has the jurisdiction to determine the number of campaign days that they see fit. Remember, the longer the campaign period, the bigger costs are involved to manage the whole election period. More resources such as police and EC officers have to be on duty. This will take a toll in the EC expenses and ultimately, the tax payers will have to pay for these incrementals.

The shortest campaign period was 8 days in the general election of 2008 while the longest was 42 days (more than one month!) back in pre-Merdeka days of 1955. Naturally, back in those days, there were no internet or TV to quickly disseminate your political manifestos. Hence, the longer campaign period for the politicians to go around the country. How things have changed.
 5. Free and fair access to media

Lahaii... bahasa ringkasnya pembangkang nak masuk tv3, rtm, awani dan blablablab termasuk utusan tanpa ada satu kenyataan pun dispin dan wartawan arus perdana tidak boleh terapkan persepsi sendiri dalam penulisan berita yang berkaitan pembangkang. 
Contoh ;
Kalau dsai cakap dia nak mahsuhkan cukai maka wartawan kena lapor dsai nak mahsuhkan cukai bukan dsai gila dia nak mahsuhkan cukai negara bakal bankrupt dan blablabla. Kalau dia nak lapor bahawa najib cakap dsai gila maka dia kena cakap najib cakap dsai gila sebab dia nak mahsuhkan cukai. Ini ialah sedutan kenyataan tersebut. Jangan ko pun sibuk2 terapkan persepsi ko dalam berita2 seperti neh. Ko tue wartawan buat cara wartawan.

BERSIH’s whole idea of existence is to negotiate the demands with the EC. However, this particular demand is beyond EC’s jurisdiction because they do not control the media such as Malaysian Insider, Malaysiakini, Malaysia Today, Harakah Daily Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times and The Star.

Therefore, this demand is invalid and irrelevant.

 6. Strengthen public institutions

Sorry to say, ini jawapan bangang. SPR ialah SPR, SPR bukan kerajaan dan bukan pula BN. Yang kita minta SPR kukuhkan institusi awam tue maksudnya bebaskan institusi awam daripada pengaruh politik dan mereka mestilah harus sedia menerima kritikan supaya rakyat boleh mendapatkan perkhidmatan terbaik, kita cakap pasal PDRM dan DBKL juga ya disini. 
Maksudnya apa? Maksudnya ketika berkempen pepaham lar.. mereka2 neh tak harus menjadi alat kepada sesiapa pun.

Politik kotor dan rasuah pula kita minta SPR pantau permainan ahli2 politik semua sekali. Jika terbukti, tolong amek tindakan bukan melindungi mereka. Ini termasuk kes beli undi dan rasuah apa seme. Maksudnya apa? Maksudnya ketika berkempen kita minta adili kesemua pihak dengan telus dan saksama jangan bersikap terpilih atau siding mana2 pihak. 

Ko tue bebas, sebut betul2 BEBAS. Bukan nya milik BN. Gaji ko rakyat bayar bukan BN bayar. Gaji BN dan PR pun rakyat bayar, jadi rakyat boss, korang seme kuli batak, bukan macam sekarang, kami lak jadi kuli batak korang. Apa citer? 
Jawapan di atas ialah jawapan orang yang taktau fakta tapi degil nak mampos pergi berhujah. Jangan bercakap sesuatu yang ko tak faham. Aku dah penat ulang benda sama. Siyes. Penat.

This is also not in the purview of the EC as they are not the bosses of the Judiciary, Attorney-General, MACC and the police. There is also no law for the EC to instruct any of these institutions. In other words, the EC is indeed have no power to ‘strengthen’ public institutions.

Therefore, it is simply illogical for BERSIH to make this demand in the first place. The parliament is the correct platform to do this.

7. Stop corruption
 (unfortunately at this point 7 & 8, saya tak jumpa bahagian kedua dari blog Amenoworld untuk hujahnya so saya cut & paste dari Jebatmustdie saja - krenmaut)

Just like point number 5 and 6 above, stopping corruption is not the responsibility of the EC. BERSIH cannot demand the EC to end all forms of corruption because simply put, eradicating corruption is not just the duty of the EC but also the duty of all Malaysians.

The Election Commission cannot be expected to apprehend people that are bribing policemen or catching some dishonest businessman who just inflated the price of his project.

Vote buying instances have been documented to be practised by both sides of the divide and those instances have been brought to courts. Again, it is not the EC’s duty to preside over fraudulent cases. That should be the matter of the courts.

8. Stop dirty politics

Perhaps the best way to stop dirty politics is for the politicians within the government and the opposition to practise a more ethical campaigning methods.

This is certainly not under the jurisdiction of the EC.


Unknown said...

gua dah mandi pagi tadi, kira bersih dan suci dah.

speedrider said...

Hijau = emotional sentiments
Biru = relax and cool

Sab said...

TQ for the efforts!

bionicles said...

wah ini sudah jadi blog politik.. tahniah dr. ben!

Ijau D. Koceng said...


HIJAU xpe, jgn IJAU :)

Badril said...

no. 5 perlu pencerahan dari ramai pihak....... benarkah media kita free.... bolehkah RTM (tax payer's money) digunakan untuk menyiarkan berita UBN dan memburukkan lawan politiknya sedangkan pihak yang diburukkan tidak berpeluang menjawabnya dan ditunjukkan gamabr tapi dibisukan suara..... sesiapa yang pernah pergi atau tinggal di negara maju pasti lebih arif tentang hal ini. mengapa permohonan akhbar2 untuk diarusperdanakan dibakul sampah kan dan direject...

Unknown said...

Point no. 1. Clean the electoral roll - ic no. 830820125953,901204335004,
900206740068 - paste no. ic ni dekat http://daftarj.spr.gov.my/NEWDAFTARJ/. Agak2 berapa lama SPR ambil masa utk removekan nama2 org yg dah mati. 10 tahun, 20tahun ?? Daftar pengundi baru cepat update tapi nak buang pengundi yg dah mati lambat.

Unknown said...

Blog dari seorg ustaz yg neutral.


Unknown said...

thanks doc for the effort. apapun, cuba try dulu apa yang bersih tu nak. nanti taulah ianya lebih baik atau lebih buruk dari sistem yang ada.

kalu kerajaan laksana, kerajaan jugak dapat imej terbuka.

ini belom apa-apa dah banyak bunyi, ini perangai penakut dah orang salah.


Here's a meta comment:

Susah betul nak baca tulisan hijau tu. Here's a tip bila copy+pasta dari blog lain: make sure you remove the previous formatting. Kalau tak, jadi macam post ni, font nya tak seragam.

Tak susah pun, masa tulis post, lepas copy+pasta, select semua text, klik saja button "Remove Formatting" kat toolbar blogger (sebelah kanan, antara quote & spell checker).

For someone with a PhD in engineering, how hard could that be, eh? ;p

This comment is valid assuming Dr Ben bukan sengaja buat tulisan hijau kecik macam tu sebab tak nak orang baca. Hehe.

Dr. Bentara said...


I bought my PhD hahaha... thanks. Already updated.

zulazahari said...

komen gua,

Sekiranya pilihanraya di Malaysia ini dtgnya dari unsur yg tidak bersih, bermakna wakil rakyat dan menteri2 yg ada skrg juga lahir dari institusi yg tidak bersih, termasuk juga dari kalangan pembangkang yang menyokong perhimpunan bersih, begitu juga keputusan pembangkang mendapat lima buah negeri dalam pilihanraya lepas juga adalah tidak bersih, dan negeri Kelantan yang diperintah oleh PAS selama 22 tahun juga tidak bersih.

Badril said...

Nama pun reform ..... pembaharuan .... tajdid ....dan sewaktu dengannya.....dari yang baik kepada yang lebih baik....dari yang buruk kepada yang lebih baik....agama kita yang suci yang dijanjikan ketulenan pun ada reform / pembaharuan setiap seratus tahun inikan pula sistem pilihanraya yang terang-terang didominasi total dan dominan.....