1 Ramadan 30 hari 2011
15 Malaysia
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Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Internship visit UTP August 2014
Gambar di atas adalah di Peninsular Malaysia Operation (PMO) di Kerteh, Terengganu. Saya diapit oleh student praktikal (internship) dari UTP dan juga jurutera-jurutera muda di PMO yang juga adalah bekas pelajar UTP.
Dalam masa 10 tahun, mereka ini, ex-pelajar UTP akan memegang tampuk pemerintahan PETRONAS. Mereka sebenarnya memang dijuruterakan untuk ini.
Apabila ini terjadi, maka hubungan UTP dan PETRONAS akan menjadi makin rapat. Ini adalah petanda baik.
Buat masa ini, jurutera-jurutera muda ini melakukan kerja-kerja kemaskini dan pembaikan dalam bidang teknikal sesuai dengan perkembangan semasa. Ini semua akan melicinkan kerja operasi platform luar pantai. Mereka adalah jurutera generasi baru.
UTP banyak membantu PETRONAS dalam menyelesaikan masalah-masalah operasi. Dalam beberapa perkara, ia melibatkan kerja-kerja yang besar yang sebelum ini mungkin diserahkan kepada orang luar. Langkah PETRONAS menguatkan kekuatan dalaman dengan melakukan integrasi bersama UTP adalah satu langkah yang bijak. Kos dan masa dapat digunakan secara efisien.
Semasa lawatan ini, banyak masa dihabiskan dengan perbincangan tentang kerja-kerja operasi dan masalah yang dihadapi di PMO. Saya cadangkan kepada pelajar-pelajar praktikal ini supaya membawa kerja mereka sekarang ke UTP untuk dijadikan kerja projek akhir tahun. Kerja tersebut akan diseliakan oleh UTP dan juga supervisor mereka sekarang di PMO. Yang akhirnya kerja projek tersebut menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat kepada PETRONAS.
Saya dapati masalah operasi tersebut bukanlah rocket science sangat. Cuma ia memerlukan konsentrasi dan masa sedikit yang mana operasi di PMO tidak ada. Ia ada di UTP. Rugi jika hubungan ini diambil secara lewa.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Support GAZA
My name is Duktur Bentara. I'm from Malaysia and I #supportGAZA
p/s: no akaun Viva Palestina Malaysia - Maybank 5-64324-601324
Temuramah AJK Viva Palestina di TV3 kata dapat kutipan RM2.5 juta (Berita 8pm 2 August 2014). Kalau RM1 sorang, maksudnya 2.5 juta yang derma. Kalau 2.5 juta orang ni (majoriti Muslim) donate lebih sikit, katakanlah, RM10 dah jadi RM25 juta tu. Kalau tiap-tiap bulan macam tu, setahun dah RM300 juta yop! Let's do this!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
SPACE GAMBUS EXPERIMENT Live Ipoh 10 August 2014.
It was a long time since I watched SGE in action. Longer time since I played with them. Last Sunday, they performed again. This time with Eric Hausmann, an experimentalist from Portland, USA. This was not the first time. I played alongside with Eric in 2012. I even blogged in HERE.
So I came in late with the family after attending the UTP Hari Raya Gathering. It was raining heavily as well. By the time we arrived, the dialog session has already started. Eric and Kamal Sabran (the madman behind SGE) were answering questions for the floor.
20 minutes later, it was time for the performance. All I can say is I was overwhelmed with the wall of sounds. It always like that with SGE. Miniscule preparation. It all starts with the first note and whatever came in after that, is a matter of the butterfly effect.
Looking forward to play again with SGE. Check this OUT.
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l to r: Kamal Sabran, Eric Hausmann, Marina Hausmann, Andri, Dr Bentara (photo session only, no play) and Andri. |
Space Gambus Experiment. Check these guys out!
KAMAL SABRAN https://www.facebook.com/kamalsabran
ERIC HAUSMANN https://www.facebook.com/hausmann
ANDRI https://www.facebook.com/cityofnosun
AZMIL MOKHTAR https://www.facebook.com/daguberbulu
Monday, August 11, 2014
Shame on you bros!
Adakah anda dari kalangan 1500 ini dan juga yang bernasib baik tidak disaman?
Kebanyakan kereta yang dipintas akan memaki hamun berkoyan-koyan. Yang tidak bersama keluarga bahkan mencarut. Tak tau le kalau mungkin juga ada yang memuji *roll eyes*.
Most of the offenders were caught in the act by policemen armed with cameras, while 20 per cent were stopped and issued summonses on the spot.
Federal traffic police chief Senior Assistant Commissioner Mohd Fuad Abd Latiff said those captured on camera for using emergency lanes should expect to receive their summonses, which carry a maximum fine of RM300, by the end of next week.
He said they would face the same consequences if they continued to commit such offences.
“After the announcement by police that motorists who use the lane would be issued a maximum fine of RM300, we received numerous reports that some drivers continued to commit the offence.
“As stopping and issuing summonses in highways might worsen traffic jams during the festive season, we equipped our personnel with cameras to take pictures of these offenders while they were committing the offence,” he told the New Straits Times yesterday.
He said the strict enforcement was necessary as many emergency services vehicles were hindered or delayed from reaching accident locations because of the problem.
As of the 10th day of Op Selamat 5 on Thursday, there were 14,109 road accidents recorded.
This included 169 fatal accidents, which saw 186 people killed.
He said police had issued 153,125 summonses.
The Road Transport Department (RTD) had begun collecting photos of alleged emergency lane users submitted by the public.
As of yesterday, RTD had published at least 15 pictures of the alleged offenders’ vehicles on its Facebook page, and urged motorists to send similar evidence in the future.
Those who wish to forward such evidence can email RTD at aduantrafik@jpj.gov.my, with details of the incident date, time and location, as well as the complainant’s details.
Kebanyakan kereta yang dipintas akan memaki hamun berkoyan-koyan. Yang tidak bersama keluarga bahkan mencarut. Tak tau le kalau mungkin juga ada yang memuji *roll eyes*.
1,500 motorists caught using emergency lanes
KUALA LUMPUR: OVERMORE than 1,500 motorists were caught red-handed by police for using emergency lanes in highways nationwide since Op Selamat 5 was launched on July 21.Most of the offenders were caught in the act by policemen armed with cameras, while 20 per cent were stopped and issued summonses on the spot.
Federal traffic police chief Senior Assistant Commissioner Mohd Fuad Abd Latiff said those captured on camera for using emergency lanes should expect to receive their summonses, which carry a maximum fine of RM300, by the end of next week.
He said they would face the same consequences if they continued to commit such offences.
“After the announcement by police that motorists who use the lane would be issued a maximum fine of RM300, we received numerous reports that some drivers continued to commit the offence.
“As stopping and issuing summonses in highways might worsen traffic jams during the festive season, we equipped our personnel with cameras to take pictures of these offenders while they were committing the offence,” he told the New Straits Times yesterday.
He said the strict enforcement was necessary as many emergency services vehicles were hindered or delayed from reaching accident locations because of the problem.
As of the 10th day of Op Selamat 5 on Thursday, there were 14,109 road accidents recorded.
This included 169 fatal accidents, which saw 186 people killed.
He said police had issued 153,125 summonses.
The Road Transport Department (RTD) had begun collecting photos of alleged emergency lane users submitted by the public.
As of yesterday, RTD had published at least 15 pictures of the alleged offenders’ vehicles on its Facebook page, and urged motorists to send similar evidence in the future.
Those who wish to forward such evidence can email RTD at aduantrafik@jpj.gov.my, with details of the incident date, time and location, as well as the complainant’s details.
Friday, August 08, 2014
Piring hitam, sistem hifi dan enjoy the music
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But who are we to judge everyone's else taste in music? |
Sebagai peminat piring hitam, berlaku pertembungan dalam mencari "sound" yang terbaik. Kebanyakan peminat mengatakan bahawa sound yang terbaik biasanya didapati dari rilisan terawal sesuatu album. Contohnya, album pertama LED ZEPPELIN yang dirilis pada tahun 1969. Maka piring hitam yang dirilis pada tahun tersebutlah yang paling sedap bunyinya.
Tapi detailnya lebih dari itu. Pada tahun 1969, piring hitam tersebut dicetak di banyak tempat; UK, US, Germany, Holland etc bahkan mungkin dicetak juga di Malaysia. Setiap cetakan ini juga mempunyai kualiti sound yang berbeza bergantung kepada kualiti kilang yang mencetaknya.
Maka, yang betul-betul gila, akan mengumpul pelbagai piring hitam Led Zeppelin yang sama dari pelbagai source cetakan, dalam mencari kualiti sound yang terbaik. Alasan, sound terbaik akan menghasilkan nikmat yang berbeza.
Malangnya, alatan yang memainkan piring hitam itu ala kadar saja. Sekadar keluar bunyi saja. Maka, yang diilusikan sebagai sound yang terbaik itu sebenarnya bukanlah sound yang terbaik. Cuma piring hitam yang tersimpan sound yang terbaik tetapi belum tentu dapat mengeluarkan keseluruhan potensinya disebabkan setup hifi ala kadar.
Malang yang kedua, golongan ini mengkritik mereka yang :mencari" (quest) sound yang terbaik dengan mengeluarkan modal yang banyak untuk hifi system yang terbaik sebagai missing the point. Walhal, tidak sebegitu. Untuk sound yang terbaik, bukan saja kualiti piring hitam itu penting, bahkan alatan (sound system) yang memainkan piring hitam itu juga perlu ada kualiti.
Untuk sembang alatan (hifi setup) yang terbaik (punyalah subjektif topik), ini satu kegilaan yang lain pula. So bagi orang lainlah sembang.
Kesimpulan, untuk enjoy the music, tidak perlukan piring hitam ataupun sistem hifi, cukup sekadar dengan mp3 dari speaker laptop saja. Tetapi untuk enjoy the music dengan sound BERKUALITI, source piring hitam adalah sama penting dengan kualiti sistem hifi yang digunakan. Sekian.
Wednesday, August 06, 2014
Tro-Njo-I dah mula start jamming
Tuesday, August 05, 2014
Jika tidak boikot, apakah...?
Merujuk kepada posting semalam,
I condemned senseless killings in Gaza. Tapi hal boikot, saya ada reservation sikit. Tak salah, kan, kalau kita ada reservation benda yang tak pasti? Kepastian pada 1. Kesahihan benda yang diboikot 2. Kesan pada Israel atas benda yang diboikot.
Sebabnya, takut letih saja tapi outcome takde ataupun salah. Ini pendapat peribadi saja bro.
Tekanan yang diperlukan sekarang ialah supaya gencatan senjata IMMEDIATELY. Terlampau ramai nyawa orang awam yang terkorban. Bagaimana? Saya pun tak tahu tapi saya tak fikir boikot yang ada takat ini akan buat sesuatu yang besar dan immediate. USA pun dah pakat nak bagi US$250 juta untuk ammunition pada Israel kan?
Mungkin akan ada yang kata, tak buat banyak buat sikit-sikit. Atau tak dapat semua, sikit pun OK. Ini mengembalikan saya ke perenggan pertama di atas.
Lainlah kalau world SANCTION dilakukan kepada Israel sepertimana yang dibuat kepada Iraq, Libya, North Korea. Ada idea tak camana ini boleh dibuat? Kalau tak boleh buat semua, buatlah sikit-sikit. Tapi camana nak start?
Temuramah AJK Viva Palestina di TV3 kata dapat kutipan RM2.5 juta (Berita 8pm 2 August 2014). Kalau RM1 sorang, maksudnya 2.5 juta yang derma. Kalau 2.5 juta orang ni (majoriti Muslim) donate lebih sikit, katakanlah, RM10 dah jadi RM25 juta tu. Kalau tiap-tiap bulan macam tu, setahun dah RM300 juta yop! Let's do this!
Duit derma itu akan digunakan untuk pelbagai funding. Sila lihat SINI.
I condemned senseless killings in Gaza. Tapi hal boikot, saya ada reservation sikit. Tak salah, kan, kalau kita ada reservation benda yang tak pasti? Kepastian pada 1. Kesahihan benda yang diboikot 2. Kesan pada Israel atas benda yang diboikot.
Sebabnya, takut letih saja tapi outcome takde ataupun salah. Ini pendapat peribadi saja bro.
Tekanan yang diperlukan sekarang ialah supaya gencatan senjata IMMEDIATELY. Terlampau ramai nyawa orang awam yang terkorban. Bagaimana? Saya pun tak tahu tapi saya tak fikir boikot yang ada takat ini akan buat sesuatu yang besar dan immediate. USA pun dah pakat nak bagi US$250 juta untuk ammunition pada Israel kan?
Mungkin akan ada yang kata, tak buat banyak buat sikit-sikit. Atau tak dapat semua, sikit pun OK. Ini mengembalikan saya ke perenggan pertama di atas.
Lainlah kalau world SANCTION dilakukan kepada Israel sepertimana yang dibuat kepada Iraq, Libya, North Korea. Ada idea tak camana ini boleh dibuat? Kalau tak boleh buat semua, buatlah sikit-sikit. Tapi camana nak start?
Temuramah AJK Viva Palestina di TV3 kata dapat kutipan RM2.5 juta (Berita 8pm 2 August 2014). Kalau RM1 sorang, maksudnya 2.5 juta yang derma. Kalau 2.5 juta orang ni (majoriti Muslim) donate lebih sikit, katakanlah, RM10 dah jadi RM25 juta tu. Kalau tiap-tiap bulan macam tu, setahun dah RM300 juta yop! Let's do this!
Duit derma itu akan digunakan untuk pelbagai funding. Sila lihat SINI.
Monday, August 04, 2014
Starbucks hoax?
Is this true? Betulkah ia?
ikut kata artikel ni... it was a hoax/satire... SOURCE
"However, the ‘Schultz letter’ is a hoax; worse than that, it’s a piece of satire that has been accepted by some people as fact. The letter was written, not by Schultz, but by Andrew Winkler, an Australian-based ‘anti-Zionist media activist’ of German origin. It was published as a parody of Schultz, and clearly advertised as a parody, on the anti-Zionist website ZioPedia on 11 July 2006. Winkler later wrote: ‘The Howard Schultz spoof letter has caused quite a bit of a stir… Howard Schultz never wrote that letter, I did.’ (10) Yet now it has become something like a modern, internet-shared version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: a hoax document supposedly written by a Jew which is cited by some people as evidence of Zionist wickedness."
Juga, rujuk kepada SOURCE
Dear Reader,
The Howard Schultz spoof letter above has caused quite a bit of a stir. We had over 10,000 visitors reading this article in the past 24 hours. Some of them were not quite sure whether the article was ‘kosher’ or not. Well, it was and it wasn’t. Howard Schultz never wrote that letter, I did. If you didn’t find it funny, blame it on my German humour. However, all the statements I made in that letter about donations, sponsorships, political views etc. – are based on factual Howard Schultz actions and quotes, as 1/2 hour of ‘Googling’ will easily confirm to anyone interested.
There is obviously a lot of emphasis right now on Israel’s most recent brutal aggression against Lebanon and the Gaza strip. However it’s important not to forget that the current events are part of a bigger pictures, Israel’s imperialist plans for the region. Let’s face it, whatever us critics will say against Israel, it will always be interpreted as being anti-Semitic. In fact, the current edition of the US dictionnary Webster defines anti-Semitism as ‘criticism of Israel’. How cool is that?
Andrew Winkler
ZioPedia – A Rebel Media Group
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