Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mati kerana muzik

KUALA LUMPUR: Six people have died while three others are in critical condition due to methamphetamine overdose at the Future Music Festival Asia 2014 at Bukit Jalil Stadium.

City police chief Senior Deputy Comm Datuk Mohmad Salleh said the nine, ages from 21 to 28, collapsed during Friday’s event after consuming drugs at around 1.30am.

One person died on the spot in Bukit Jalil while another died on the way to the hospital. Four others died at the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC ) and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Hospital (HUKM).

The six, who died were identified as Kamal Zekry Kamal Basha, 22, Victor Wong E Hern, 26, Sabreena Kamaruddin, 21, M.Suresh, 28, Syazana Sohaime, 23, and Nor Faizza Mohd Wazir, 27.

Read: Music festival cancelled after drug overdose deaths, say organisers

Another four people, two of whom are in a coma, are in critical condition at both hospitals SDCP Mohmad said.

“All tested positive for high levels of drugs and the deaths have been classified as overdose.

“Throughout the two-days we arrested 22 people, three foreigners and seven locals, in possession of narcotics.

“In view of this incident and for the interest of public safety, we have advised the organisers to cancel Saturday’s event. Those who bought tickets should contact the organisers for refunds,” Mohmad said.


Respons dari organizer  


This statement is in response to news reported in the media on the 5 alleged deaths associated with FMFA last night. As the health and safety of all festival goers are our primary concern, we have lodged an investigation into the media reports. As at 5.00PM on March 15, we can confirm that one death, and not five, took place on festival grounds on March 14. A police report has been filed and we are working very closely with all relevant authorities in examining and determining the cause of this very unfortunate incident.

FMFA underwent regular meetings with all agencies involved in the festival (including the Royal Malaysia Police, The Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia, Bukit Jalil National stadium, Millennium Patriot Security, Jabatan Sukarelawan Malaysia (RELA) and our certified on-site medical doctor and paramedics) prior to and during the event.

In the interest of public safety we have heeded the authority’s advice to not proceed with Day-3 of Future Music Festival Asia 2014. This is also to help in the on-going investigation. We appreciate the understanding of all parties and will share updates on this matter as soon as possible.

Details of refunds will be announced within one week. Ticket buyers are urged to logon to for refund details.



Sebenornya dalam konsert Metal pun ada kes kematian. Antaranya, pemuzik kena tembak, mati melompat stagedive dan sebagainya. di luar konsert pula, insiden bakar gereja, tembak, tikam orang, bunuh diri dan macam-macam hal lagi. Cuma ini tidak/belum terjadi dalam negara kita.

Sebagai peminat muzik, saya bersimpati dengan kematian mereka dalam festival rave beberapa hari lepas. Saya cuba meletakkan diri saya dalam situasi tersebut.

Yang nyata, belah sana dan belah sini adalah peminat muzik. Kita paksa mereka minat Metal pun takkan jadi punya, begitulah sebaliknya.

Yang sahih, berpada-pada meminati muzik. Leceh sungguh kalau mati kerananya. Kita nak menjawab pun payah, mak bapak, anak bini nak menjawab pun payah.


  1. MM,

    aku heran apasal suratkhabar singapura sebut Ice.
    Ice ni dadah merbahaya dan jadi penagih dadah pasal Ice ni jenis ketagih apa aku tahu.

    Mula2 aku tahu kes mati ni aku ingat Esctasy, pil goyang kepala as its a Trance event.
    Aku ingat dorang mati pasal Dehydration dan Heat Stroke.

    Aku nak tunggu next few days news, kot dorang tak cover up macam last year siap ada foto budak dalam longkang ke hapa ntah, tapi suratkhabar senyap je...

  2. wtf...?
    taknak aku mengaku peminat muzik tu kalau disamakan dengan scene muzik dorang yg terang2 clubbing, dadah sintetik, arak, pergaulan bebas etc...

    Mati kerana muzik?
    oh tidak, terang2 dorang dead pasal 0verdose dadah, bukan overdose muzik.

  3. balik2 konsert rock/metal jugak yg kena tempias tu nanti... tgkla~

  4. newbies arena dadah ni..kesian.muda muda lg dh mati sia sia.semoga roh dicucuri rahmat

  5. kita keje pagi smp petang rasa nk pengsan balik event smp 5 hari non stop nk sustain cergas pegi cekik dadah...bahaya sungguh

  6. yang pasti..konsert metal kat malaysia tak penah ada kematian kerana dadah..kalau mintak festival metal macam tu selama 4 hari dah tentu memang tak dapat punya..

    yang penting,dadah memang musuh no.1 di malaysia

  7. dadah perusak bangsa... sesiapa yg pernah cuba dan dapat kembali ke pangkal jalan, you were lucky.

  8. dah terang muzik dorang ni musti guna dadah baru enjoy...
