Friday, July 12, 2013

Donation Drive for Hidayah Centre

Salam brothers and sisters in Islam,

We are trying to form Hidayah Centre in Ipoh to cater for reverts (mua’llaf) and to propagate dakwah to non-Muslims. This centre will be an Islamic information centre that facilitates non-Muslims to have better understanding about Islam via sharing sessions with reverts, classes in basic Islamic teaching and interfaith discourse. Hidayah Centre is a gateway for non-Muslims to pronounce their syahadah and embrace Islam. Hidayah Centre also offers classes on fiqh, quran recital, motivation, and capability building for reverts.

Given that Hidayah Centre is a non-profit making NGO, we would like to solicit donations from those who care to meet our expenses to establish and run the centre. One way to raise fund is through selling tables for majlis iftar during Ramadhan. I am attaching an appeal letter for donations and a working paper of the majlis iftar for your kind attention and consideration. We hope your donations will be considered as sadaqah / amal jariah and be rewarded by Allah SWT.

Please forward this email to those whom you think would like to take the opportunity to donate especially in this blessed month of Ramadhan.

Thanking you in advance for your unequivocal support.


(the appellant is a colleague of mine at UTP, also the Jawatankuasa's Director) 

Click on image to make it bigger


  1. Semoga dapat sokongan dari semua...all the best.

  2. Bagus usaha sebegini,,.semoga dipermudahkan Allah
