Friday, August 05, 2011

Review: THE ROYAL WEDDING The Official Album

Just for record, I am against expensive wedding. It makes no sense when you married costing in millions (in dollars and people watching it) but the marriage turns out to be bad in just a few years. Yes, it is their problem why should I care but some idiots will certainly try to follow. Though I am all for happy marriage and I am sure these ordinary people will have an everlasting communion, but spending thousand of dollars to impress others just don't click it. I mean, how much do you take out the wedding photo book to look at? Once in a year? 5 years? Enough of this rant. Anyway, this is supposedly the official album for the wedding of the century. The songs that ran along their wedding. I am not sure who will listens but it prove me wrong since this album entered the world digital charts (according to All those hymns, readings, vows etc. Well, you may liked it; fantasizing, dreaming and so on but I can't stand it. Listening to this CD while my hatred on this kind of money wasting. Will this married couple be paid the royalty of the album? If yes, then, I am being proved wrong again. This IS not a waste of money at all.


  1. waste money only, lebih baik buat yang sederhana sahaja..

  2. album gambar ok lagi. boleh belek-belek. skrg kt malaysia dah bnyk buat shoot video kahwin yang mahal. kawan-kawan pun rm3000 utk 2 hari. puih. bila nak tengok ntah videonya. amik sendiri sudahlah guna henpon. itu pendapat aku je lah. photos are enough to capture the moment.

  3. utk org islam, utamakan yg wajib pun sudahlah. tp tulah. tp biasanya kena ikut apa isteri nak kot...ehehhe...ada je alasan "alah, kahwin sekali je sumur hidup. takkan nak buat lebih kurang je"...


  4. oh, aku silap. igtkan album gambar. rupenye album lagu...hahaha...ade jugak org nak beli ek.
