Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Anak bulan di Australia

tumpang tanya. masa pengumuman puasa tuh, ikut yang local muslim ye? setau saye, yg tgk anak bulan bebudak aynacademy. ada org lain jugak yg tgk anka bulan jugak ek? yang mana satu ek? sebab kat adelaide nih memang pening sikit. sekadar nak tahu. terima kasih. :)
Terima kasih yang bertanya. Aku pun sebelum ni buat tak tau je bab tengok anak bulan. Apa nak dikata, kita kat Malaysia semuanya dah spoon-fed. Tunggu Penyimpan Mohor Besar buat appearance kat TV dan announce je.

Errr... tengok anak bulan ni especially nak tentukan start Ramadan adalah Sunnah,
Narrated Abdullah bin Umar: Allah's Apostle mentioned Ramadan and said, "Do not fast unless you see the crescent (of Ramadan), and do not give up fasting till you see the crescent (of Shawwal), but if the sky is overcast (if you cannot see it), then act on estimation (i.e. count Sha'ban as 30 days)."(Bukhari:Volume 3, Book 31, Number 130)
Also ada doa khas apabila melihat anak bulan ni. Malam tadi Imam Masjid Wandana ada bagitau. So kira Sunnah la tengok anak bulan ni tiap-tiap bulan. Kalau tak tengok anak bulan, camana nak doa, kan? Issyyy memandai-mandai je aku. Korang tolong check tengok boleh (tapi itulah yang aku dengar, somebody was saying but huraian dalil aku tak dapat nak check sendiri). Tapi hadithnya di bawah:
“Daripada Talhah bin Ubaidillah r.a. bahawa nabi SAW, apabila baginda melihat anak bulan baginda membaca doa yang bermaksud: “Ya Allah keluarkanlah bulan sabit ini dengan keberkatan dan keimanan, berikanlah keselamatan dan keIslaman, Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu ialah Allah S.W.T. inilah sabit yang boleh memberi petunjuk serta kebaikan. (at-Tirmidzi)
Solat Subuh tadi aku sempat bertanya kat local brother di Masjid Wandana. Beliau berkata bahawa ada satu badan NGO (kot) kat Australia ni yang kerjanya tengok anak bulan. Tiap-tiap bulan. Kerana tengok anak bulan tu adalah sunnah. Namanya, HILAL COMMITTEE. Kata beliau, Hilal Committee adalah di bawah Mufti Australia. Mereka ada agen-agen yang melihat anak bulan setiap bulan di seluruh Australia.

Kata beliau lagi, kat Adelaide ni, dia tengok dan somebody from `Ayn Academy pun ada tengok. Anyway, brother ni kata dia pergi tengok dan tak nampak. Ayn Academy pun tak nampak.

Lepas tu aku terus google dan nak tau lebih lanjut tentang Hilal Committee ni unfortunately diorang takde website kot (aku tak jumpa). Anyway, aku jumpa beberapa sites yang tanggungjawabnya tengok anak bulan. Nampak yang aktif Hilal Committee di USA.

Di aku jumpa laporan mengenai moon-sighting di Australia. Ni aku cut & paste...
Posted on 31 August @ 20:51, 2008 - Printer Friendly Page - Tell a Friend Seen
Alhamdulillah, we have received the news of the sighting of the moon from the Imam of Darwin Mosque. Therefore, the first day of Ramadan is the Monday, the 1st of September. "

Benjamin Nitschke & Rina Yoshizawa reported that Australia's National Imams Council (ANIC) has announced the Hilal has been Seen
It was sighted in Perth & Darwin.

Engr Manzoor A Mian from Melbourne Australia reported: Not Seen
The moon was not sighted in Melbourne today 31st Aug 2008 Sunday evening due to cloudy weather. Sky was clear Just before sighting then cloud appear and disappear during sighting time. However it was sighted in Darwin (Capital City Northern Territory of Australia) according to some evidence. Here are views of Ayn Academy.
“The crescent was not sighted in any other location, but there was a report of a sighting in Darwin. Australian ‘Ulama have decided to accept a sighting report from Darwin. ‘Ayn Academy along with Al-Ghazzali Centre disagrees with this sighting report on the basis of opposing scientific and jurisprudential facts. However, according to a majority of Australian 'Ulama', 1st of Ramadhan commences on Monday 1st of September 2008. …Ayn Academy Adelaide”

Dr. Shabbir Ahmed (MCW member) Imam of Rooty Hill Mosque Sydney Australia reported: Seen
The Hilaal has not been sighted in all of the major states of Australia except Darwin by the evidence of Br. Abshar Mohammad and Br. Kamaluddeen. From the astronomical point of view, there was an extremely slim possibility for the moon to be sighted in all states, including Darwin, but as the coordinator of the Moonsighting Committee of Australia, I have spoken to Br. Abshar and Br. Kamal concerning their confirmation in the sighting of the moon and they both admitted to obtain the responsibility of being the evidence of this sighting. Also, I was informed by other resources that these brothers are of full authenticity. I thereafter discussed this concern with the following Scholars:

* Mufti Obaidullah -Melbourne
* Mufti Muneeb - Melbourne

* Sheikh Gulam Ali - Melbourne

* Mufti Naeem Ali -Sydney

* Mufti Amjad Iqbal -Sydney

* Sheikh Shamim -Sydney

* Sheikh Adam -Darwin

* Sheikh Ridwan -Sydney

* Sheikh Ozair - QLD

* Sheikh Imran - Gold Coast

All these scholars agreed upon accepting this sighting of the moon. Therefore, I declared that the first day of the month of Ramadaan would be on the 1st of September, 2008.
Kalau korang tengok the whole site, memang comprehensive laporan moon-sighting ni. Banyak negara yang contribute.

Interesting eh? Ilmu baru untuk aku... sharing is caring kata orang.


  1. Salam Bentara,

    Skrg bro punya blog dah jadi macam blog kemusykilan agama pulak, hehe....tak pe....itu perkara baik, keep it up, bro.

  2. ngk anak bulan satu pengalaman yang best..masa aku sekolah dulu ada sekali buat program kat bukit jugra banting, kat situ ada balai cerap utk ngk anak bulan..memang best ler..rasa cam astronomer pulak

  3. sesungguhnya ilmu kajibintang adalah sesuatu yg amat menarik, kita kat Malaysia ni mmg ramai yg tak tau sebab majlis agama negeri2 dah buat 'tgk anak bulan' semua ni...

    apa yg kita buat ialah, tgk tv, pengumuman dari penyimpan mohor besar raja2...

  4. mm
    slamat menyambut ramadhan kat ko dan keluarga.
    untung ko dapat pengalaman cam gini
