Monday, October 21, 2013

Awas, Entry beracun! Vinyl record better than CD?

Gambar sekadar hiasan
A good setup for cd listening is incredible sounding, a good setup for vinyl listening is also incredible sounding but...

Placing a record on the turntable and watch it spin and physically create the sound is much better than just pushing a button and placing a disk and having it hidden away...

And looking through someones vinyl collection beats the hell out of looking through a cd collection.

And artwork? Vinyl wins hands down.

Vinyl is like film cameras, the processes involved are just better. 
(cut & paste dari youtube)


  1. pendapat aku, vinyl vs CD ni mcm enjin kereta guna carburator vs EFI

    but i'll stick with CDs :)

  2. aku sama mcm Ijau, still stick dgn cd jugak...but prefer jewel case la

  3. Vinyl tak boleh ciplak kat rumah.
    Vinyl limited space, walau boleh sumbat 25 minit walau only the best enigineer can do it, and maiden only use the best - album live after death
    Tapi cd, no one has a cd berumur 50 tahun, jadi takde orang tahu berapa lama cd boleh tahan.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hahaha... Nice write up! Hell yeah!!!
