Friday, July 05, 2013

Farewell lunch with Lehigh University students

I was sent to Lehigh University in 2011 to start a "relationship". I stayed there for 3 months and I blogged about it here.

Alhamdulillah so many things beginning to develop. Although I felt that this "sacrifice" was not properly observed by the management, I still feel proud about it.

It is a sacrifice because I had to leave my family for 3 months. Not many people can do that, especially when you don't get rich with it.

Anyway, one of the "relationship" that was developed is student exchange program. Prior to my stay at Lehigh, the relationship was one way - only UTP students going to Lehigh but none from Lehigh coming to UTP. It is important for Lehigh students to come to UTP for exchange program as it is one of the requirements to get accredited for Research University status.

After my stay, we had the first batch of Lehigh students coming last June. This year, we got 6 more students.

They are leaving tomorrow. So the Dean of Engineering Faculty (ex now as he was replaced with a new one) organized a get-together lunch with the students.

Who can miss a lunch in the executive lounge? Not me ;)

The executive lounge
Thinking... should I eat more or less?

Photo session is a MUST!

The ugly, the ex-Dean and the somebody ;)
p/s: New haircut soon!


  1. kasi review le pasal makan....

  2. Ikan kerapu, ikan serakap 3 rasa cam takde je...

  3. lawa banner Metallica kat atas tu...

  4. rambutnya chantek Doc
