Sunday, April 01, 2012

Kasi Picah! House of Matahati 30/3/2012

Playing music is part of my passion as a human. Many others prefer fishing or golfing. There are not much different really. Only music is more fun (haha).

One of the perk of playing music, apart from the doing what you really like, is to get to know new people and personalities. It is one of the natural human being's traits. Perhaps, if anything fails, the last one to look forward to is getting to know new friends and re-connecting to old (or lost) friends. Otherwise, it will be a complete failure.

Space Gambus Experiment (SGE) is an open-source musical collaboration with core member being Kamal Sabran. I got this chance of playing together after missing so much due to other commitments. I'm not only getting so much fun, but also getting to know new friends, reconnecting to old-lost friends and the noise was good as well!

I don't know what's the name of the band but they have 4 didgeridoo players...

and a very charismatic vocalist who screamed, "KAU LALAI!!!"

Who's that...?

And Nik Jidan who sings folk music with a guitar AND a harmonica.

Airmas who sometimes went solo and sometimes with his band, Mentol 180 Watt.

The zombie of Kampung Pisang, Mamat Khalid with two English songs which are so old I can't recognize what they were hahaha...

Psychedelic rockers, Keladak.

Moog time bombs and other explosives.

First time live appearance and already blew the hearing apart! The Zooey Deschanel Intergalatic Copulation Machine, please get the CD out, NOW!

Jabatan Audio on acoustic set.

 Multi-electric-contortionist, Eric Hausmann and wife all the way from Portland, Oregon.

Kuning, one man show. I am still figuring what was his message (I am sloooowww...)

The last performance was SGE. We started at 2am! No photos? I am hoping that somebody will post it on facebook since we are busy noising and psychedelic-ing on stage. There will be a part two of this posting if I can source out SGE photos.


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